Why subscribe

It's my mission to make UX Education Accessible for All 💪

Twice a week, every Sunday and Wednesday, you'll receive (along with 4,800+ designers) my newsletter Play of the Week

I'll be sharing 1 actionable framework or hack to help you grow your UX Career (something I wish I had at the start of my journey).

In under 5 minutes (promise!), you'll get extremely useful methods broken down play-by-play.

About me

Designer, Founder, and Writer.

Worked with startups and Fortune 500’s including Google, Nike, 21st Century Fox, AirAsia, and many more.

Ex-Head of Design working on UX Playbook.

Built a community of 30,000+ passionate UX designers (@uxchrisnguyen on all platforms) discussing frameworks, career hacks, entrepreneurship, and content creation.

Build A Better UX Career, Faster

Subscribe to Play of the Week

Biweekly actionable framework & hacks to grow your UX career. Sundays & Wednesdays.


Actionable UX Frameworks & Hacks.